(What the heck is this?)
This week's offering (ha! Isn't it cute how I pretend I stick to some kind of schedule with these?) is a little more subdued than the last one. But it's the holidays, so please cut me some slack.
Aaaaaaand, here we go:
Most awesomest blog name: Bourgeois Philistines of Minnesota (Maybe my favorite blog name ever. There are just so many interesting questions there. What exactly is a bourgeois Philistine? Why would one live in one of the coldest states in the U.S.? Why does the author apparently wish he had named his blog "Sober Epicurean" instead? Why does his other blog's name, Old Whig's Brain Dump, also delight me? Clearly more research is required.)
So-ugly-it's-fabulous-est blog layout: Raspberry Dreams (Basically the reason this category was invented. And it prominently features a bird, which means it gets double-bonus points for awfulness. No idea what it’s about, no desire to find out; I can’t look – it’s blinding me! Makes my eyes look like this: @@)
Most random blog post title (and/or title that best lends itself to double-entendre or horrible puns): Kayak Yak, "Crab Dream" (Because I'm frighteningly immature.)
Most engaging overall blog (for better or for worse): the flying pencil (One of those blogs I just want to sit and walk through one afternoon. Light, decent writing, original artwork. The author hasn't posted anything for awhile, but I'll certainly be checking out her backlog.)
Wild card: Most fabulously horrible crafts: At least I'm skinny (A somewhat dubious blog name, but the coasters she made with pictures of the stars of Laguna Beach are fabulously, horribly awesome.)
Have you come across an awesomely-awful blog? Share it!
2 backtalk:
How can you not click on a blog entitled, At least I'm skinny. There seems to be something really wrong with that. :)
um, at least i'm skinny's sister is right on the money when she suggests she needs to get a life. she totally does.
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