February 1, 2011

Doo, doo, doo, lookin' out my back door

That's my deck out there. Can you see it through the glass?

Nope, we don't have beveled glass, and my phone camera quality isn't THAT bad.

That's ice, yo. Coating our sliding glass door.

I'm staying inside.

(On a related note, fat dog trying to balance on sheets-of-ice-covered lawn while pooing = hilarity.)

4 backtalk:

Iris Took said...

wow! good day to stay inside.

Unknown said...

You just made me smile with the mental image of your pup. I needed that!

Unknown said...

My wussy dogs are refusing to go outside and keep pooping in the basement. They know my threats of calling the dog warden are hollow.

Sassytimes said...


I feel like we were in a bubble with this storm. Not bad at all in our 'hood, but a few miles down the road = awful. So odd.

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