Or, if you're really fancy:
I just think it makes it look like you have dirty fingernails! I'm sorry. I just don't get it.
Am I alone in this??
(I do like the chick's ring in the first picture, though.)
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12 backtalk:
I don't get it either. I will, however, be interested if someone can explain it.
I don't know about black, but I know when I got my nails done (back in the day) I did silver tips and red nail beds for OSU... I thought it was classy... ha!
I was unaware of this trend...meaning, I'm old and so out of the loop. ;)
I think it looks bad. I don't get it.
That looks disgusting!
Yep, agreed, looks like dirty nails. I'll stick to the white tipped french manicure.
Awful. I think you should be glad that you don't get it.
But I agree, the ring rocks.
Ok. I used to paint my toenails black ALL the time. I did.
AND, I'll be honest, I DID try the black french-tip look once. (I didn't like it.)
So there.
There's my confession.
I don't think all-black looks bad at all -- or even the college-themed french tips. Just something about the black tips, to me, looks like the person has been gardening. :)
I totally agree! While I do like dark dark colors that are all over my nails, this makes no since at all. Last time I got my nails done the girl who did mine had this...it left me wondering how my nails would turn out. Not cute!
I'm a fan of weird nail polish. My niece and I are going to get manicures soon and I just found some OPI polish Katy Perry designed. I can't wait to show you guys :)
ugh, no, this is all sorts of wrong. i did not know about this trend. no likey lol!
Hate it! I hate painting my nails at all and a classic french manicure is the only thing I can tolerate so this is really horrible to me.
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