Today, my niece Cadence turns 2.
She's such a big girl.
So smart.

Drawing with Papa.
So beautiful.

Will you LOOK at those EYES?
So ornery.

Trying on "Unca Tommy's" shoes for oh, maybe the billionth time that day.
Oh, baby girl. You were the happiest of surprises to our little family! I pretty much live to make you laugh, and I love that you love to dance and watch the same Tinkerbell DVD over and over and over and over, and I REALLY love how you've taken my little brother and made him into a daddy.
Happy birthday, little one. Aunt Shan loves you into a million, billion pieces!
3 backtalk:
Wow! What a beautiful porcelain doll face!
Oh, I can't believe she's two already! The hearts she'll slay with those gorgeous blue eyes...
Yes,she's quite a little doll!
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