Case in point, the avocado (good fats are awesome), red wine (relaxing and also good for the heart, thank you) and my latest obsession:
Bacon Alfredo Pizza

It's pizza. With spinach. And tomatoes and cheese and alfredo sauce. And BACON.
Oh, dear sweet bacon.
My tastebuds adore you, but my slightly-over-sized posterior, sadly, does not.
Except! When you're on this DELICIOUS pizza made by Lean Cuisine! (Who are, in my opinion, the heroes of the frozen-dinner world, as their stuff (mostly) tastes pretty darn good, has (mostly) no preservatives and is (mostly) reasonably priced. And Kroger is always having sales during which T and I pack our standing freezer so full it's ridiculous.)
And...bacon? No longer just a fat-filled, unrealized dream. Now a fully-realized, satisfying reality. In my tummy.
Do you partake of the food that is frozen? What are your faves? Any I absolutely have to try? (Keeping in mind that I'm violently allergic to basil, which, sadly, most of the best frozen dinners seem to have.)
3 backtalk:
Looks YUM. I'll have to try it. There's no chicken on it, right? I LOATH chicken in frozen meals... half of it is always fatty, nasty bites (I find).
I'm picky, but here's one I really like from Lean Cusine: Szschuan Style Shir Fry with Shrimp. It's tad spicy & delish.
Sarah W: No chicken. I find the same thing you mentioned -- nasty, fatty, barely-chicken bites. Ew.
I've tried the Szechuan Stir Fry, and I do like it (I'm a big fan of the spicy), but I have issues with pasta in frozen meals. It always feels really gummy to me, and the sauce never seems to "stick." I'm a big fan of their flatbread sandwiches. Not so much their French bread pizza, though. Cardboard, much? Ugh.
mmmmm, that looks tasty! I am a fan of the lean cuisine frozen meals and tend to go towards the pizzas and sandwiches. I also like Smart Ones mac and cheese and broccoli alfredo. Delicious. I think my favorite frozen thing ever is the Santa Fe Rice & Beans. SO GOOD. I have tried all brands….even Meijer’s 99 cent brand. They all seem to be delicious.
P.S. I adore avocado. They (and by “they” I mean my husband who thinks he is a human encyclopedia) says your taste buds change every 7 years. It is an interesting theory because I HATED avocado just a few years ago and now I can just eat slices of it with nothing else. I am very happy it falls under the good fats.
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