The beautiful flowering...something {I'm bad with plant names} tree in our front yard.
I just love living someplace that lets us experience every season. I don't know if I'd appreciate spring this much if it didn't follow such bleak winter months.
Where clever witticisms come to flourish briefly and then wither on the vine.
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3 backtalk:
We have the same type of tree in our backyard - I don't know what it's called either. I am loving this spring. My allergies, not so much, but I'm loving how all sorts of lovely flowers and bushes seemed to POP overnight with color. I am a big fan of fall but spring is inching its way toward the top spot.
Spring is about my fav time!! I just took some pictures of m flowering bushes to post too. Love, love, LOVE spring!!
true dat! I loves me my seasons!
I will even deal with sinus headaches and allergies just to have that cool spring evening air and seeing flowers bloom!
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