We aren't normally party people -- we're more the let's-play-cards-and-maybe-sit-by-a-bonfire kind of people -- but some occasions demand a break with tradition.
Two Pretzels -- and the whole Pretzels crew -- was in town! So we found ourselves with a houseful of a lot of our favorite people in the world, including Trophy Life, Metacognitive Musings, their families and a whole bunch of our friends.
What followed was one of those great summer days: the adults drank Trophy's awesome mojitos (well, what didn't end up behind my fridge, anyway), the kids (eventually) frolicked in the blow-up pool one of our friends generously brought along, and everyone ate waaaaay too much food. And sometime between setting the grill on fire, drilling through two giant pans of cheesy potatoes and sort of half-heartedly watching the World Cup, we talked 'til we were blue in the face.
It was awesome.
There's just something about having so many people you love in one spot. To just look around and see nothing but faces of people who are awesome. It just made my heart...happy.
At the end of the day, T and I were so tired, we just fell into bed. And when we ventured out the next morning, we were anticipating a HUGE mess. (Which would have been fine -- parties are worth the mess!) What we learned: We have really neat friends. Almost none of them missed the trash can, and outside of the sticky puddle behind the fridge (ahem...Kat...), there was almost no evidence they'd been there at all.
Then I spotted, on the living room coffee table, some unfamiliar sunglasses. A few e-mails later, Metacognitive 'fessed up. Despite my offer to ship them to her (they're pretty cute sunglasses, plus I was concerned for the safety of her peepers), she declined and just asked me to hold onto them until the next time we saw each other.
Clearly, this meant she wanted me to put them on my dogs and then take pictures of them.
And thus, I give you:
Bubba Badass...

...and Murray Mutha--shut yo' mouth!
(In retrospect, this was a long way to go to show you some pictures of my dogs wearing sunglasses. But it's a holiday weekend. And, come on...they're cute. So...just deal with it. :D)
(Also, have a great weekend.)
3 backtalk:
aaaahaaahahahaahaha!! i totally thought you were going to tell us that you left the food on the table an the dogs had gotten into it, but no, this is even better. the shades look fantastic on both dogs. totally their style/shape.
thank you SO MUCH for having us. it was just awesome.
First, thank you so much for hosting!
Second, this made my entire morning!
Third, damn the dogs for looking better in those sunglasses than I do! How stinkin' adorable! It was worth leaving them behind just to see these pictures.
Fourth, I steal all sunglasses, typically from my mom. No need to be concerned about the peepers. I have two other confiscated pairs laying around. :)
Sounds like a great party! And I believe I would have done the same things with those glasses. Love it!
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