A very, very warm welcome to a new blogger, Running Chatter!
Ms. RC is one of my very good friends from college, although we actually got to know one another after we both graduated.
Some things you should know about RC:
- She's a runner (doy), and a very dedicated and enthusiastic one at that!
- She has some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen (seriously, RC: I totally covet your hair).
- She's smart, thoughtful, funny and a GREAT listener.
- All apologies to my other friends with children (your children are all BEAUTIFUL), but she is the mother of two cherubs. I'm not even kidding. They are straight out of Central Casting for "beautiful blond child with giant blue eyes."
- She's married to a man I've known since I was six years old, and went to school with all the way through college. Random? Yes. Even more random: He watched me get hit by a car once.
- Her blog is already one of my faves.
Aside from personal e-mails, I hadn't had a chance to read much of RC's writing up until now.
I will now say: It was worth the wait. Her recent post about fathers and daughters was simply beautiful, just for one example.
Don't believe me? Well, even though you should totally trust me because I have excellent taste, you don't have to take my word for it. :) Check her out for yourself!
2 backtalk:
Thank you for this wonderfully kind and warm welcome. I'm humbled. I am so excited to become a part of this wonderful community. . . unAnonomously. :)
I, too, am SO glad that you are blogging Running Chatter!
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