(The only thing better, of course, is getting the perfect gift for someone else.)
In my life, the giver of the perfect gift is usually T. I swear, for a sports-crazed, "typical" male, he has an uncanny way of knowing exactly what I want/need at any given moment. And he cooks, and gives great backrubs, and remembers all major holidays and anniversaries. I know: He's a keeper.
But I digress.
This time, I'm talking about my best friend, B. Who's not only incredibly talented herself (I hope someday the whole world will see your amazing photos, Beezy!), she's incredibly encouraging and supportive of her friends, too. And lately, she's been on the receiving end of a lot of my rants about my "failure" to really make any progress on the non-day-job writing projects I'm longing to finish.
She took me out for sushi (the girl knows the way to my heart, for sure), and handed me a gift bag with a sparkle in her eye.
"I thought maybe you could keep this in your home office, or wherever you do your writing," she said. "Sort of like your little muse."

Love. I just love it.
And every time I look at it, it reminds me that I not only HAVE a story to tell, I also have someone (many someones, actually) who believe in my ability to tell it.
Thank you, B! And thank you to every one of you who read this blog, and who encourage me in my other projects, too. It's been a rough, uphill summer, and each one of you is helping me climb.
3 backtalk:
What a beautiful gift with an even more beautiful message. Love it!
This just gave me the chills.
That B. She's wonderful.
And so are you.
And I agree. Tell it, sister.
That is SO sweet and such a thoughtful and cute gift! Very nice :)
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