You know what doesn't love me knitting?
My job and all the 500 million other things I have to do.
But once upon a time, I knitted (knitted? knit?) a lot.
The picture above is of one little project I did a few years ago. It's a tiny purse, knitted with some of that novelty "eyelash" yarn and some ribbon. It's hard to see, but there's a flap that folds over the top of the purse, sort of in a messenger bag style.
It was supposed to be something I could use to carry my cell phone and a credit card, just something tiny when I didn't need to carry everything in my giant briefcase/purse.
However. I've discovered that I pretty much never go anywhere with just my cell phone and a credit card.
And it's such a cute little purse, it was depressing me, just sitting sadly in my Closet Where Craft-y Projects Go to Die.
So now it's hanging in my cubicle, where it's all cute and yellow and is a conversation piece when people walk past on their way to the kitchenette. (My favorite question so far: "Why did you make that?" Um, so you could ask me about it? Weirdo.)
2 backtalk:
Cute! I have a scarf made out of similar yarn.
I LOVE that! How nice!
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